Mountain Innovations

manufacturing wow effects

Mountain Innovations

Legal Notice

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Operator of the Internet page is:

Mountain Innovations GmbH
Josef-Wallner-Straße 5
94469 Deggendorf
Phone +49 991 9106-700
Fax +49 991 9106-790

Subsidiary of ZIERER Karussell- und Spezialmaschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG

Commercial Register: Deggendorf, HRB 4967
VAT No.: DE 815820405

Managing Directors: Martin Weichselgartner, Markus Weiß

Editorial responsibility: Martin Weichselgartner, Markus Weiß
Mountain Innovations GmbH


Copyright 2024 Mountain Innovations GmbH

All contents of this Internet page are subject to copyright and other protective laws. Without prior written agreement of Mountain Innovations GmbH the contents are not allowed to be copied, duplicated or stored. Furthermore, it is prohibited to make them accessible to third persons, to modify or recirculate them or to use them on other Internet pages. Some contents are subject to the copyright of third parties. All company logos are trademarks of the particular bailee.

Mountain Innovations GmbH explicitly reserves its rights – above all copyrights, trademark rights and design rights.

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All information and services on this website have been put together with maximal accuracy and are intended only for the information of the visitors.

The website of Mountain Innovations GmbH contains links to the websites of third parties on which Mountain Innovations GmbH has no influence. Mountain Innovations GmbH excludes any responsibility and liability regarding the websites of these third parties above all regarding the up-to-dateness, correctness, reliability and completeness of the provided information as well as the non-existence of virus of the linked pages.

This website uses software according to the following licences:

GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2.0

Apache License, Version 2.0

The MIT License (MIT)

SIL Open Font License (OFL)

Picture Credits

Homepage – Header-Slider:  Rollbob Zams – Nik Fleischmann
Homepage – Header-Slider:  Rendering Eagles Nest – the SMILE of Experience/Hester Kloosterboer
Homepage – Scroll Bar Rollbob Zams – Nik Fleischmann
Homepage – Scroll Bar Mountain Lage – Michael Werlberger
Adventure Offers (Rollbob) – Header – Nik Fleischmann
Adventure Offers (Rollbob) – Image Gallery – Nik Fleischmann
Adventure Offers (Rollbob) – Teaser Features Revolver, Catapult and Smart Ticketing – the SMILE of Experience/Hester Kloosterboer
Adventure Offers (Rollbob) – Scroll Bar Individual Theming – the SMILE of Experience/Hester Kloosterboer
Adventure Offers (Rollbob) – Reference Project Berlin – Header, Impressions 1, 3, 4, 6 - Ole Bader
Adventure Offers (Rollbob) – Reference Project Zams – all pictures – Nik Fleischmann
Adventure Offers (Rollbob) – Reference Project Bad Kleinkirchheim – all pictures – Nik Fleischmann
Adventure Offers (Rollbob) – Reference Project Sankt Martin – all pictures – Markus Ampferer 
Adventure Offers (Mountain Tower) – Individual Theming – all pictures – the SMILE of Experience/Hester Kloosterboer
Adventure Offers (Mountain Waver) – the SMILE of Experience/Hester Kloosterboer
Adventure Worlds – Video Header – the SMILE of Experience
Use, Sustain and Protect – all pictures – Nik Fleischmann
About us – Scroll Bar Vision – Michael Werlberger
About us – Image Gallery – Nik Fleischmann
Press – Teaser Media – Nik Fleischmann
Press – Download Media – as listed
News – Header – Nik Fleischmann
After Sales – Header – Nik Fleischmann
Search – Header – Nik Fleischmann